When you plan to get married, perhaps one of the few things you will first think of is the budget. having a not so good budget doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get married. In fact, most people nowadays are planning to have a wedding on a budget. So if your budget is tight, don’t feel hopeless for there are many ways to have an effective wedding planning without spending too much yet still make a wedding that is near to perfect.
If you are planning to have wedding that is less expensive, consider the number of guests you will invite because this can be a critical factor in whether you’re able to stick within your alloted budget. Another factor you need to consider is the location where to held the celebration. If you will be paying for a large venue, then of course you will need to pay more and thus many people can be invited in the ceremony. In short, a large number of guest is worth your location payment.
However when it come to your reception, this large number of invited guest can make a huge difference to your budget. Most couple would opt to have food catered at their reception, and if you are planning a wedding on a budget, you’ll immediately realize that there are huge cost differences between having a hundred or thousand invited people at your wedding reception. But it is still possible to keep within the line of your budget while having many people at the reception. All you need to consider is to prepare inexpensive menu or might as well a simple snack. You don’t have to spend too much just because you have a large number of guest at your reception, instead avoid a fully catered sit down meal.
Alternatively, a family cook off bonding can drastically reduce your reception expenses. If you are a family who have a good taste for food and have the skill to cook variety of flavorful dishes, you may gather as a group and cook food for your wedding reception. However, you should also consider to budget those food ingredients, and you can even ask them to give this to you instead of buying wedding gifts. You can then get together and create a pot luck style wedding dinner, and your wedding reception can be pulled off in a buffet style form instead of having people served by waiters and catering crew.
Another creative idea to have an inexpensive wedding is to simply have a picnic or barbecue style wedding reception. This can be held at a local park or in someone’s back yard, and it will save the expense of renting a reception hall.
You can trim down your wedding costs by planning an inexpensive flower arrangement. It doesn’t necessarily need to have a complete wedding flowers, instead you can order only half as many wedding flowers as you originally intended. Better still, order the flowers you want for the wedding bouquet, but choose less expensive flowers for the rest of the ceremony and reception. There are many flowers that can work well with each other in shape, size and color. So choose those that compliment the bouquet if you opt to have a specific color motif for instance, or go with a variety of inexpensive flowers to create a more spontaneous effect. Either way, it will still look beautiful while helping you to stick within your budget preference.
Other effective cost-cutting technique is to distribute affordable wedding favors. Also, inexpensive bridesmaids gifts idea is an affordable choice also, the same with the groomsmen gifts. After all, these wedding gifts are not judged by their monetary value, rather the thought they convey.
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